wedding ceremony

Monday, 26 November 2012

custom wedding pepatih


clothing and bridal bed

Maxim 'let die young, dying custom,' still debated until now century millenium. This is due to some custom which is still done by most societies 'One single Sabai Pepatih Nan Nan Aluih' or Negeri Sembilan, especially pepatih marriage customs. No wonder, if even today many men are 'somewhat reluctant to edit pure virgin Queensland, because customs and conditions are quite complicated. Here is the layout of custom wedding ceremony pepatih.

Merisik customs and Propose

Starting as early as the spy, the host (the bride) will make arrangements such as installing the palate which is mounted on top of the fabric roof surface. The groom will be represented by buapak of her tribe, as well as the bride, who was represented by buapak of her tribe. This spy custom made to ensure that proposed to the girl yet berpunya. In this ceremony, the groom should prepare questions ring as usual Malay wedding customs.

Epoch and bujam or betel for consumption must be accompanied by the man and handed to the woman. Having gained a consensus of both male and female sides, engagement date is also fixed.
In the engagement ceremony, the man must provide engagement and handed to the woman. Buapak two quarters, will set a wedding date. Ask rings that have been submitted during the customary spy returned to the man. This process is known as the ring expands. The ring must then be referred to buapak and other perennial beneficiaries.
Having determined the day, buapak behalf buapak men should speak to the woman, about some things, which include:

a. female dowry shall be spoken
b. charred expenses requested by the woman
c. money to pay wages marriage
d. money pirated door
e. money in khariah
f. custom money for buapak

So with these questions terjawabnya, settled tradition of engagement, and recited prayers.

Custom dwelt
Having both male and female sides agreed to unite their two children, buapak will ask about the wedding, which will be made. Buapak then be announced to the villagers to come and work during the upcoming feast, where every person shall have the responsibilities and duties of each. The ceremony was named dwelt. It is done to strengthen the brotherly relations between villagers and cooperate in any situation.

Upholding custom Bride
Among the interesting ceremony in custom wedding uphold pepatih is adapt. Brides will greeted and paraded up to the house. Stretcher will be refurbished and tied to bamboo.

Before the bride up into the house, the bride will wash away. The ceremony was performed by relatives. Purpose to do so is to show the Malays are rich in decency and hygiene before entering a house.

Custom splatter
The ceremony was started by buapak, followed by fathers, other board. Once done splatter distinguished guests, then followed by family members, relatives and other friends.

Feeding custom
Another interesting ritual is the custom of bribing feeds. In this ceremony, the bride will try to feed the yellow glutinous rice into the mouth of his mate, while the spouse must avoid. The ceremony was assisted by family members.

Mr dishes Board
Buapak and father of the Board will be treated in places provided by the host. By rule, the food served to them should be isolated and covered with fabric lined with food cover. This as a sign of gratitude to the Board, Mr. Buapak and for being willing to attend the wedding ceremony of their son.

Customary Worship
To complement adapt, last rites ritual worship. In this ceremony, the bride will shake his family members. Bride to be introduced to family members and relatives of a new, so do not feel awkward after becoming husband and wife. The ceremony began with the bride greets Buapak, followed by other perennial beneficiaries.

Matter of great concern to the Queensland community are not married to each quarter. Society with custom pepatih barred from marrying each quarter. Those who violate this prohibition shall be eliminated or removed from the area of. So much respect for customs, Queensland society adheres to this taboo until now. They believe that if abstinence is not held, then the family or tribe will be involved in the disaster.
Custom wedding pepatih unlike ordinary marriage. This wedding special is that attended and helped by the arrival Buapak, Father of the Board, General customs and village heads.

Indian wedding custom

'majlis berinai'

bridal bed

As with the other races in Malaysia, the Indians also have their own marriage customs. Before a marriage takes place, there are some customs that need to be done, either to meet the demands of the Indian religion or culture itself. Between customary to do is like Parisam, making invitation card, mukurtta Kaal and others.

Parisam is a similar custom engagement in the Malay community. It is customary to give gifts to the bride. There are two types of custom Parisam normal and udan Parisam Parisam. This custom will be held on the day agreed by both parties. Parisam will be available in the odd number of men.

Prospective groom will lead the delegation led Parisam the bride's house. Rombungan arrival will be greeted with the sounds of traditional musical instruments. After prayers performed, the bride's father would bring Parisam containing sari to her. After wearing the saree, the bride will be brought out into the living room. Relatives will mengalungkan flower named orrai-Maalai, at the same time the invitation will be given to both sides.

For India a Hindu community, marriage invitation cards play an important role. It will be based on the Hindu calendar, which will dipasti there is no error. Completed cards produced will undergo some religious ceremonies such as anointed with saffron liquid and taken to the temple, and then brought to the house of the prospective bride for him.

Thaali or Tjrumaanggalyam is a form of garland necklace neck dikalungkan to both bride and groom during a wedding ceremony in progress. It is a sacred symbol of a marriage. Thaali can be made of gold or just from turmeric alone who was then fastened to the thread. Thaali manufacturing process is done seven or nine days before the wedding day by making thaali. When completed it will lead prayers and to be named as thaalippadaiyal.

Five days before the wedding day will be custom Mukuurta Kaal home of the groom. To make mukuurtta Kaal, young tree will be cut down, the tree must be straight, measuring two or three meters and measure less the diameter between 20 to 30 centimeters. Kaal Mukuurtta be erected after undergoing specific religious ceremonies. This custom to show that the marriage will take place in the home.

Thirumanan means union through marriage bond between husband and wife. There are three types Thirumanan in Indian society, it will be different according to the tribes of the Indian community itself that Vaitikat Thairumanam, Tamil Thairumanam and Diya Thairumanam.

The wedding ceremony will be performed by Pedanda. The groom will mengalungkan thaali to the neck of the bride. Then both bride and groom will pay homage to both the parents and in-laws. Upon completion of all religious ceremonies and banquet, the bride will go to the groom's home in honor of her husband after being confirmed as husband and wife.
Then the groom will be required to turn the bride's house for three days.

Three days after the wedding ceremony will lilakukan demolition tent. Little supper which will be involved only those who are involved only.

Chinese wedding customs

wedding cloth 

wedding transpertation

Marriage is a very important thing in the life of the Chinese community or family. It is a shift that greatly influenced the change for a man. In general, marriage is a legal way to get a wife. The institution was granted permission to connect lineage ancestors and begin their own children. In addition, the Chinese men will face many new responsibilities as a husband and as a father then.

In Chinese society, at the time of engagement can be done when the child - the child is aged between 7 and 14 years. Accordingly, no longer bound by the traditional rules for a Chinese girl to marry.
At the first time a marriage is arranged by parents. But the situation has changed today. However, parents still have authority intervention in child marriage - their children. Although arranged marriages now oelh parents but still carried the fate prediction and it is a very important stage. Setting time and date for the wedding is also important.
There are three rites conducted by the Chinese community in Malaysia during a marriage held as follows:
Civil marriages which will perngantin has to be registered first as husband and wife, legally - law.
Tea ceremony - It is a traditional Chinese culture in which a new bride gives tea to members - older family members to drink as a sign of identification with each other.

Dinner - At this feast all relatives and friends - friends will be invited.
Ordinarily, a civil marriage ceremony and the tea ceremony is to be attended by close relatives only.
Items that are considered important in Chinese wedding is the wedding announcement to friends - and friends and relatives by holding a feast. This feast of its size depends on the ability of a person. Due to this important ceremony then guests - guests who present it is best to wear beautiful clothes and red. We encourage you - preferably be prevented from wearing a black shirt, blue or gray as the color - the color is usually associated with sad events in Chinese society.

When guests visit the newly-weds they should congratulate them. Guests do not tell or say the word - the word sad as death, illness, injury or ghost to speak to the bride's.
Red color among the Chinese community and happy means good sign. Therefore, in the event it is better to give a gift wrapped in red paper.

Bidayuh wedding customs

These wedding photos show wedding of ethnic Bidayuh and ethnic Kadazan

Ethnic Bidayuh

Bidayuh is Sarawak ethnic community which generally inhabit the hills outside the city of Kuching. There are many different tribes among the Bidayuh community and their practices and customs of holding its own. Culture and customs are heavily influenced by elements of ritual and faith they profess.

For the Bidayuh community, marriage is a way to become a member and enjoy the same rights as a member of the Biik or Ramin. The Bidayuh practice monogamy only. However, remarriage after divorce is common. By reason of a strong prohibition against incest, marriage outside of his own family is an important rule in society. The Bidayuh also prohibit marriage between cousins.

Groups such as the Dayak Selako prohibit its members from marrying members of the community who have become enemies of their war for fear swallowed a curse. But the ban was repealed because it occurred the first marriage between their fathers to the offspring of their former enemies. Among the Dayak ukar-Sadong, relatively loose rules about marriage. Men and women can freely mingle and get to know each other before they got married.


In this society, there is no spy ceremony. Marriage often occurs when a person is old enough and choose a life partner. Bidayuh community is receptive to their children's choice of marriage except the forbidden. In the Bukar-Sadong and Selako group, they are allowed to choose her favorite pair of origin regardless of race.


Done of marriage vary by group. In groups such as Selako, Jagoi and Lara, marriage can be preceded by an engagement. An engagement ring is marked by the exchange between the two sides. Assuming that the couple felt they coincide, the marriage can take place later.


Wedding events in close contact with the harvest. Obtained better results, more marriages could take place. This is due to the engagement ceremony and wedding feast involving large and luxurious, especially for the eldest son or the only child. If they failed to conduct an engagement and wedding feasts, people will scoff at the groom. Because that's when the rice yield decreases, engagement or wedding will also be reduced.

The minimum age to get engaged to the daughter is in the past is 16 years while for the male is 18 years old. After selecting prospective fiancee and his wife, the man will appoint a female intermediary. The female intermediary will send betel-leaf box or chalk fiancee or a ring to the woman concerned in addition to obtaining the views of the female family about the marriage.

Wedding Ceremony

Weddings held highly dependent on the ability of the family wedding. In the Bidayuh community, choice of residence after marriage depends on many factors. The main factor is the economic position of married couples. The husband who is and can influence the position of the wife to live with his family (virilokal practice) and vice versa (uksorivokal). In the event that conjugal marriage is stable, they can sit at home (practice neolokal).

Dayak groups Selako prohibiting free mixing between men and women. Weddings can take place in 'forced' through the practice known as 'batangkap'. This is a practice when pairs of men and women who frequently seen alone together can be presented to the leaders of the village so that action can be taken. Those arrested agreed to marry after being prosecuted by the leaders and villagers to their relationship as husband and wife can be verified by having a little ceremony after fine for offenses they have been paid. Practice batangkap done on couples who face opposition from parents.

Another way is through the practice of marriage to 'nyagam', when the prospective husband is transmitted along the mat to the residence of the prospective wife's pillow after obtaining the consent of the woman. Usually men who choose to marry this way is a widower or widow.

Perfect marriage point of view Selako quarter, Jagoi and Lara is a marriage which involves the knowledge, role and planning by the parents of both parties. Marriage also may involve the role of mediator or known among the people as picara Selako to represent the man. Once all parties agree, the right day and time to be determined.

Ethnic Kadazan

In Kadazan wedding customs, a special ceremony made. The newlyweds are required to eat in the same plate and bowl. The ceremony was attended by the families of both parties. Groom's parents can not be at all present in the home of the bride before the couple legally united. The most important thing in the wedding ceremony is the ceremonial switch pinisi miohon lump of rice. To begin the ceremony, the bride and groom sit facing in the middle of a circle of girls dressed in traditional black. In front of them lies a pot of rice and both the bride and groom will grip the rice and the pot to be lumps of chicken eggs. Then the two will exchange the lump of rice, and eaten. Pinisi miohon ceremony is the marriage vows traditional way.

Monday, 19 November 2012

sabahan's unique wedding ceremony

A picture above is about a Sabahan's unique wedding ceremony. A bridal should wear an unique traditional cloth. This type of custom only have at the Sabah. 



As we can see, the two picture above ( picture 1 & 2 ) is a an activities in their wedding ceremony. A groom should ride in the car and was accompanied by two horses accompaniment. This is very unique, and for sure there is no other place that have a same custom of wedding ceremony like this.

In this wedding ceremony, they also have a flower girl and flower boy. But they are using a traditional cloth. Two pair of flower girls and boys are symbolic of cheer for both bride.

Monday, 12 November 2012

perkahwinan pelbagai budaya di Malaysia

Sunday, 11 November 2012


The picture below is show a Jawa traditional wedding ceremony. This theme is about one of asean culture which is we have their own traditional reception. This kind of theme is kindly more to unique cloth, bridal stage and shower of flower's reception. This type of wedding ceremony almost using a batik cloth. Batik is a main theme and their traditional clothing.