wedding ceremony

Monday, 26 November 2012

Indian wedding custom

'majlis berinai'

bridal bed

As with the other races in Malaysia, the Indians also have their own marriage customs. Before a marriage takes place, there are some customs that need to be done, either to meet the demands of the Indian religion or culture itself. Between customary to do is like Parisam, making invitation card, mukurtta Kaal and others.

Parisam is a similar custom engagement in the Malay community. It is customary to give gifts to the bride. There are two types of custom Parisam normal and udan Parisam Parisam. This custom will be held on the day agreed by both parties. Parisam will be available in the odd number of men.

Prospective groom will lead the delegation led Parisam the bride's house. Rombungan arrival will be greeted with the sounds of traditional musical instruments. After prayers performed, the bride's father would bring Parisam containing sari to her. After wearing the saree, the bride will be brought out into the living room. Relatives will mengalungkan flower named orrai-Maalai, at the same time the invitation will be given to both sides.

For India a Hindu community, marriage invitation cards play an important role. It will be based on the Hindu calendar, which will dipasti there is no error. Completed cards produced will undergo some religious ceremonies such as anointed with saffron liquid and taken to the temple, and then brought to the house of the prospective bride for him.

Thaali or Tjrumaanggalyam is a form of garland necklace neck dikalungkan to both bride and groom during a wedding ceremony in progress. It is a sacred symbol of a marriage. Thaali can be made of gold or just from turmeric alone who was then fastened to the thread. Thaali manufacturing process is done seven or nine days before the wedding day by making thaali. When completed it will lead prayers and to be named as thaalippadaiyal.

Five days before the wedding day will be custom Mukuurta Kaal home of the groom. To make mukuurtta Kaal, young tree will be cut down, the tree must be straight, measuring two or three meters and measure less the diameter between 20 to 30 centimeters. Kaal Mukuurtta be erected after undergoing specific religious ceremonies. This custom to show that the marriage will take place in the home.

Thirumanan means union through marriage bond between husband and wife. There are three types Thirumanan in Indian society, it will be different according to the tribes of the Indian community itself that Vaitikat Thairumanam, Tamil Thairumanam and Diya Thairumanam.

The wedding ceremony will be performed by Pedanda. The groom will mengalungkan thaali to the neck of the bride. Then both bride and groom will pay homage to both the parents and in-laws. Upon completion of all religious ceremonies and banquet, the bride will go to the groom's home in honor of her husband after being confirmed as husband and wife.
Then the groom will be required to turn the bride's house for three days.

Three days after the wedding ceremony will lilakukan demolition tent. Little supper which will be involved only those who are involved only.


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